Iconoclast (Paperback Pre-Order)

86,31 zł

Note: This is a pre-order. The book will ship on May 6th.

The wealthy took to the stars, leaving the suckers back on Earth paying rent on digital afterlife packages.

Lazarus Keaton was his family's great disappointment. Instead of marrying a nice girl and taking over the family business, he's a sexually confused claims adjuster for a company that uploads your consciousness into a digital afterlife. Sent across the globe to oversee the site of a deadly train crash, he's stopped dead in his tracks by the unlikely afterlife package a hairdresser had: sainthood.

His questions go unanswered when the Vatican dispatches a menacing Inquisitor to take over. In exchange for his silence about the odd case, his bosses offer him a raise, but he's in too deep to stop. Alongside Silvia, a local detective, they're thrust into the throngs of a wild conspiracy centered on the world's richest man, with all roads leading them off-world to his luxurious space station. After Laz's company declares him dead, there's no turning back.

He either uncovers the truth, or meets with a grisly end at the hands of the Inquisitor.

More details

ISBN: 9798218610760

Pages: 444